Friday, September 25, 2020

 Complete your blog reflection on the film making process

Explain the steps. 

Reflection: Film Festival

How did you feel about the film making process and why?

I loved it and why did i loved it is because it was a new experience for other people. 

What did you enjoy? Making a kind video that people can teach from 

What did you learn? That if we make a film then we have to first plan  it  the do it 

What was challenging? Acting was very difficult because it had a lot of step to for acting.

If you could go back in time to the beginning of the term, what would you do differently? First cheek if your script sound right then tell a teacher  to help  you on your script our get a advice From a Teacher. 

What advice would you give to someone creating a film next year? Please  listen   to  the  teacher very carefully and consternation to your teacher when you are making your film.

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